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Please click on the links below to access a PDF copy of the handbooks. Basic Driver's Handbook for Class 7 learners exam (also available in Hindi and Punjabi This guide (web version) provides information on the rules of the road, how to drive, and how to get a driver's licence. Punjabi Driver's Guide $29.99. The Alberta Driver's Guide is available in Punjabi for purchase at East Calgary Registry. Read More Web Site: (under Drivers and Vehicles) vehicles and it is used with the Basic Driver's Handbook for driving a truck,. Before getting your learner driver's licence (Class 7 Licence) in Alberta, you will need to take a knowledge exam that tests your knowledge of Alberta's trafficThe Alberta Driver's Guide is available in Pubjabi. The cost is $31.45 plus GST. We sell these in our office; we cannot mail them out. People seeking to obtain an Alberta Class 7 learner driver's licence can now take the knowledge (Traditional), Farsi, French, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish,
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